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Guidance on Posting Rides

Rides should be posted both on Strava and in the website calendar


Event Title

The title of the ride doesn’t need to provide a complete overview, it can just be a short and even humorous name for the ride eg. “Going to Pott” or “Flash ah-ah”

  • Do keep it short and sweet

  • Do add the distance, elevation and average speed in brackets at the end of the title.  This should always be quoted in kilometres (km), metres (m) and kilometres per hour (kph).  The imperial measurements may be provided in the description if necessary along with the metric measurements.

  • Do prefix the titles with an indication of the ride category (see Categories section below)

  • Don’t put TV or Tatton Velo in the name - it’s being posted on Tatton Velo’s own Strava page so it’s implicit that it’s a Tatton Velo Club ride

  • Don’t try to provide a rich description of the ride in the title, use the Description field instead.

  • Don’t put Ladies only in the title, instead make sure that the Women only box is ticked as this will automatically label the ride as such and also prevent males joining the ride on Strava.


Good examples of titles are:

●      CAT A: Grand Tour of the Peak (184km, 3,200m, 28kph)

●      CAT B: Going to Pott (83km, 600m, 25kph)

●      CAT B: Brickworks via Artists (78km, 900m, 24kph)


Ride categories provide a useful way of indicating the appropriate level of ability needed for any given ride. Category is mainly dictated by a combination of the distance and elevation gain, with the average speed for the ride providing an additional modifier. For example, a ride of 85km distance and 1000m elevation gain would typically be classed as CAT B assuming a steady pace of 24-25kph.  However, if done at a faster pace this would be classed as a CAT A ride, or perhaps as CAT A (speed) / B (distance).

See the the Club Handbook page for a definition of each ride category.


A route should always be provided to give members a good idea of where the ride will take them and also give them the option to download it to a cycle computer so that they can follow the route themselves on the day.  A number of different platforms can be used to plot routes, with most providing similar capabilities.  If the route is plotted in Strava itself then adding to the Strava club event post is pretty straightforward.  If another platform is used then you will typically have to export from that platform as a .gpx file and then upload it into the Strava route editor.


The club keeps a repository of rides on Komoot which you can reuse or modify easily if you have your own Komoot account (no subscription required).

Meet-Up Address

Just add the primary (first) meeting point to this field.

  • Don’t add all the stops into the Meeting Point location, place any additional ones in the Description as per the template

  • Don’t add the time to the Meeting Point location, use the dedicated field


Self explanatory, use your judgement based on the route you’ve plotted.


This should always be yourself unless you are posting the ride on behalf of someone else when you should use their name.

Level / Event Type

The default setting for this should be Casual (no drop)


Use this section to provide any additional fine detail about the ride.  The template text below can be used to make this easier and consistent.

John Knight will lead this pacey Category B ride to Birtles taking in Artist's Lane along the way.


Distance: 56km

Elevation Gain: 450m

Average speed: 28km/h


As always, please bring at least one water bottle, the means to repair a puncture and complete a bike check before you come out.  If you could provide your ICE details to the ride leader the evening prior to the ride then that would also be great.  If you have your ICE details on your bike or your person (eg. bracelet) please make the RIDE LEADER aware of this at the start of the ride. If you have a bike computer then please download the route and have it active for the ride.



High Legh Village Hall @ 8:10am

Rostherne Gate @ 8:30am

Greyhound Pub @ 8:45am


In the event that you cannot make the ride at short notice (eg. on the day itself) please message the RIDE LEADER directly on WhatsApp to let them know.

Event Repeat

Set to Only once by default unless this is a repeating event such as a weekly training ride.

Date & Time

Self-explanatory but the start time should reflect the Primary meet-up point, effectively the start time of the ride.

Additional Info

Club members only should be ticked by default unless this is an introductory ride where we expect riders to join who aren’t already signed up to Tatton Velo via Strava.


The website calendar is a view of the calendar associated with the Google account tattonvelocalendar@gmail.comTo update the calendar simply log on to that Google account (the secretary has the password) and make the update. The secretary will attempt to update the calendar each month but if your event does not appear either add it yourself or get in touch with the secretary.

The title should include the ride category and the destination, or the event type. The description should include the distance, elevation and average speed of the ride, and also a link to the Strava entry.

Do keep the calendar up to date:

  • Create the calendar entry immediately after posting a ride on Strava

  • Update the calendar entry if the Strava posting changes

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